Wednesday, August 1, 2007

vanilla ice cream, blueberry sauce

Every once in a while a batch of fresh and creamy vanilla ice cream hits the spot (many spots, actually)

- Scald 2 cups milk (scald = some steam and small bubbles around the sauce pan's edge)
- Wisk 1 cup sugar with 4-5 egg yolks
- Slowly stir in hot milk with eggs
- Return to heat until custard is thickened (custard should hold to back of spoon/utensil). MAKE SURE NOT TO OVER HEAT THE CUSTARD! IF THE EGGS START SEPARATING, REMOVE FROM HEAT AND RUN MIX THROUGH STRAINER.
- Remove from heat, mix in 2 cups heavy cream.
- Cool overnight, at least 4-6 hours
- Before freezing in maker, add 2 tablespoons vanilla extract.

This was a good batch. I like eating homemade ice cream best after about 3 hours of ripening (setting in freezer), while it's still somewhat soft.
I prefer the flavor of real vanilla bean, but, seeing that I had to borrow my vanilla extract from the neighbors, a bean was out of the question.

- mix 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 3/4-1 cup water, 3/4-1 cup brown sugar, half-a-lemon juice
- allow to bubble for 10-15 minutes, until thoroughly combined/reduced.

This is a really quick easy sauce that compliments the ice cream well. Any frozen fruit will work. Maybe combine your favorite fruits, even adding in fresh herbs/spices after taking off the heat (lemon blueberry thyme?)

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