Thursday, January 24, 2008

quick Sweet Potato soup

I've been cooking lots of dishes recently with only a few ingredients. Though I primarily subsist on garlic, onion, mushroom, potato, knackerbrod, and cheese, I recently picked up a few small sweet potatoes. Though root vegetables, especially carrots and potatoes are very common cuisine in these parts (Sweden, for those of you were not aware of my recent transplant), sweet potatoes are very uncommon. In fact, only one of at least six markets in walking distance carries them.

nearly soup:

Today, though not cold (just below 40ยบ), I was in the mood for something warm and slurpable. So,

::1 small sweet potato diced (leave on skin)
::1 small potato (leave on skin)
::1/2 small onion minced
::1 clove garlic (at least!) minced
::1-2 c water
::1/2 c milk

-Cook onion with butter until tender then add garlic.
-Season with salt, pepper, and cinnamon and cook for additional moment
-Add water, and potato (sweet and regular), cover for about 10 minutes
-Rough smash and add milk before serving.

I like this soup.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see your revitalizing your blog. I always like sweet potatoes. Can you link your flicr to this site?