Sunday, February 3, 2008

pea soup: tradition

Pea soup and waffles is a traditional thursday night meal in Sweden. I knew this ahead of time. And, naturally, I assumed the familiar: green, split-pea soup with ham. Ham: yes. Green: no. Spit: no. Rather, I was presented with a thick, hearty, salt-pork laiden bowl of delciousness. The peas are whole, though the majority are pulverized from hours of heating and frequent stirring. This meal was from Uplands Nation, and a bottomless bowl cost an easy 20SEK (that's about $3.25 for a full meal!). It is served in a very large stock pot, with two types of mustard, some herbs, chopped onion, and capers (or were they pickles. I don't remember). A large, communal block of cheese and knackerbröd are gratis and the vegetarian pea soup also fares well (not as rich or thick, but decent).

and the vegetarian version. made vibrant with sliced yellow and red peppers.

a future post will be dedicated to Waffles. they're good

current snack: nutella oatmeal. sort of like CoCo Wheats, but with a pleasant hazelnutiness. Next time I'll add banana too.

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