Friday, November 9, 2007

Mediterranean Wrap

Like a mediterranean chop suey in the sense that you throw in whatever's on hand (vegetables, protien) and out comes a satisfying meal. Just have some goat cheese and some tortillas on hand.

Items to consider (that I've used)
::green beans
::red pepper
::hot peppers
- chop any mixture of plant, anmal, fungal matter then sauté in olive oil AND butter until well browned/crisped. Season with salt, pepper, thyme or chopped, fresh herbs (basil would be especially tasty). Serve on steamed tortillas (I used the vibrant Spinach variety from TraderJoe's) smeared with fresh goat cheese.

This is a really easy, fresh dish that can be thrown together with any vegetarians' or omnivorous' pantry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the addition of the goat cheese, sounds like a great dish!